lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

Pictures, finally!

Okie dokie! So here are a few shots from the station where we're staying. It actually looks a lot like the pictures on their website, but it takes a little getting used to when you actually live here :P Also, these are slightly out of order. I'm cool. Next time I'll be more on top of it.

This is the front of the dorms and the kitchen. The area to the right is the kitchen, and the two buildings on the left are dorms. I'm staying in the very back corner. I bet you can guess how good the cell phone service is here :P
This is the room in which Rachel and I are staying. It's pretty nice right now, but soon we're going to be sharing it with 5 other people. 7 people living in this little room. Tiny tiny tiny.

 This is the other half of the station, where the labs, offices and storage rooms are. Inside here is our conference room, which is always air conditioned. A little break from the environment in order to keep all machines working in tip top condition. And I definitely can't complain :)
 Here is said conference room. The computers are for anyone's use, and there are usually at least 2 or 3 people in here. Kind of like everyone's office, where everyone's interested in what's going on.
 This is us in the field. From left to right--Random jewish kid, Rachel, Mark Baran, Ed, Jill our Scottish/Northern English professor (who kind of looks like a mix between Maria Terres and my history professor from ZA Lara), and Tuber. This is what we've been doing for the last few days. IDing trees. We are pros at it now, you don't even KNOW!!
 This is an awesome picture. Also, the one on the left is Alejandro, the grad student/researcher who is going to be helping us with our tree census, and has been taking us on tours of the island. On the right is Ed, basking in the awesome.
 This is a shot of the bay near Old San Juan. This city is so beautiful at sunset, I could stay here for months and not get enough of the beautiful colors and sounds.
 Again, the Paseo de la Princesa which is a walk around the outer wall of the city. Posing for the picture are Alejandro and Rachel.
 So beautiful. I can't get enough.
 It just looks so picturesque, doesn't it? I wish we could go walking in this city every weekend. Ugh. It makes me so happy to be here.

 ...And now we're back at the station. Like I said, I'll work on the ordering of pictures soon :P This is our storage area. Again, soon to be shared by 5 more people, but for now Rachel and I are doing a good job of being frugal (we each have one shelf and one drawer; there are more shelves by the other set of beds)
 This is the little courtyard that lives in the middle of all of the dorm areas. There's a hammock in the back, truly completing the relaxed island jungle look to the area. Usually there's at least one person sitting in one of the chairs or sleeping in the hammock, either doing some work just hanging out. We really are a little community here, and get along as such.

And to wrap it all up, this is one of our two kitchens. There is a stove and oven in the back, a deep freeze under the window, and a monstrous fridge to the side that you can see. This is typical of the amount of people in the kitchen at any given point...we like to eat :)

So, there you have it. A small tour of my life up to this point. I'll keep posting pictures as they come, and eventually I'll make a facebook album of them as well. So enjoy, and I'll see you again sometime this week!

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