domingo, 24 de julio de 2011

More Pictures!

Ok everyone! I promised more pictures, and I'm making good on my word! Here are a couple of random pictures from these past few weeks here in PR :)
 This is another picture of a coqui. This guy jumped on me, then immediately wanted to jump away. It took a while to get this good of a shot, as the little guy refused to sit still! Also, notice the old computer on my lap...tear.
 This is a picture of the panoramic cave we visited on week 3. With Rich for scale, you can see just how big and beautiful the opening was, and how gorgeous the scenery was.
 Close up on the view from the panoramic cave. Lots of farmland sat below us, and there was a river running over on the right side of the grounds.
 As you can see, we are a fearless bunch. We got right up to the edge of the cave, which lead to a 100 meter drop onto the picturesque landscape below. Although, had we dropped down, I'm not so sure it would have been picturesque anymore...
 This is the flat tire I caused that day. Le sigh...
 This is a picture of the fountain in the central plaza of Ponce. I had never been to Ponce before, and I like it almost as much as I like OSJ. Really beautiful. I can't wait to go back with my mom in August :)
 Luquillo beach is probably my favorite beach out of all of the different coasts we've seen so far. Lots of palm trees, beautiful blue waters, and soft sands as far as the eye can see.
 I found a ginger! This is us on the harbor of OSJ, watching impending doom hurtle its way towards us in the form of rain clouds.
 And again, we're super cool. This is on the wall near the Castillo de Felipe. It was hot. And we are cool.

 This is on Culebra, an island off the coast of PR. We spent 3 days here last week, just relaxing and snorkeling. we aren't going to get holidays off, but who needs them when you have a view like this!?
 This is Ocelot/Ozzy/Oshawott. She was our mascot during our Culebra trip, and was the cutest little thing. We strongly considered keeping her, but unfortunately animals don't live terribly long around the station...
One last shot of the beach at Culebra to end it out. I think I need to take pictures of more things, but as you can see we are having an amazing time here. It is so beautiful, and on the mountain it really isn't hot. That can't be said for the main part of the island, but we do what we can. I'll post a written blog later today, as well. Enjoy!

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