martes, 2 de agosto de 2011

Balance between the exciting and the "bland"

So, as I was just talking with my mom (potentially my most dedicated follower on this blog, even though I talk to her practically every day :P), she mentioned that she sometimes feels like even my most boring days are more exciting than her busiest days. I hadn't really thought of it that way, and I'm not sure that I agree with her. You see, there is a general excitement factor of just me being on an island for the summer that I have completely forgotten about. I know I can got to a beach in no time flat, and that I'm surrounded by palm trees everywhere I turn, but I forget that this isn't just home. I feel really comfortable here, like I've lived here for months and years, instead of just two months. Life at the station is both fast paced and relaxed, and I am definitely in the swing of things. This weekend I sat and read for two days, but also enjoyed a family dinner, went grocery shopping, negotiated a beach trip for others, did data work, and did my laundry. All the while, I just felt like I was enjoying a nice, relaxing weekend. Now, for those of you who are in those busy areas of the world, you may look at this post and think "Silly little island brain." But, I'm happy :)

In fact, even my regular work is both monotonous and invigorating. We do the same thing every day--hike out into the forest to measure trees, knowing that it will either rain on us or we will fall and get mud EVERYWHERE. However, every day is completely different--different trees, different stories, different jokes...I swear, the only thing that doesn't change is what Tuber, Ed and Mark bring for lunch. We always find a way to make each other laugh, and the movement across this great forest of ours really changes scenery in both the literal and figurative. So, maybe my day is exciting for those of you reading, and if it is, I'm glad I can share it with you. But if you were here, and if you could understand what I's not so much that it's exciting. It's just life. Plain, old, wonderful, fulfilling life. I love what I do, and I really love being here. I really do :)

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